Ikiru App Recensioni

Great app - that’s sadly stopped synching, and zero response from support

I’ve loved and used this app now for years. Suddenly, it’s stopped synching across devices. I’ve removed and reinstalled it several times, ensured I’m on all current OS versions, quadruple checked that all synch settings are on, and written the support email four times asking for guidance, each time ignored. It’ll be a shame to delete the app, which is now useless, as is their help line.

Lacks punch for serious writers

There’s still no formatting after all this time. Last I checked, this is an all-around note taking and list making app. Formatted text is crucial in apps like this to create punch. You need bold, italics, underlines, and strike-throughs at the very least but bullets would be nice too. Formatting must be really hard to code for but c’mon already. This app has been around long enough to add these crucial features. The developer seems really nice, so hopefully he’ll take this request seriously. I’m raising my rating to 3-stars I hope that an update comes soon, but it can’t be higher than that without formatting.

Great app but needs updating

I have been using this app for years. It’s a great note taking app. I love it’s functionality and simplicity. However both my spouse and I have noticed a problem with current notes that are either not saving properly or deleting themselves. Another Ikiru reviewer complained about something similar happening with their notes. I am concerned that this app is not being monitored enough to keep up with iPhone updates. Unfortunately due to the app becoming glitchy I am going to look for a replacement.

Paperless was better

I had the original list app Paperless from this developer and enjoyed it. He changed everything when he stopped Paperless and launched Ikiru. I got it to support his work but I’ve never liked it nearly as much as Paperless and rarely use it. I see that an update is supposed to be in the works. I hope some of the color and utility of the old app returns.

Ikiru loosing functionality

Love the program, love its structure, e.g. the ability to have a heading with subheadings and subheadings to the subheadings, To Do’s listed in chronological order, etc. However, some Ikiru features no longer function, such as automatic data sync upon closing, return to the the last view when reopening, etc. I can only attribute this to the fact that there have been several changes to Apple’s operating system and Ikiru has not kept up; there have been no updates for too long. For this reason, I’m now hesitant to entrust important information to Ikiru in case the next major Apple operating system update leaves Ikiru inoperable

Love Ikiru

It’s a simple to use app with lots of features. Can have several folders all on the home screen with sub folders. Can import or take pictures easily for a specific topic.

Please update

For the love of god update your app

Almost perfect - needs colored icons

Paperless, Ikiru’s parent, is almost perfect but is missing lists within lists (within lists). Ikiru adds that, but its small monochrome icons aren’t as useful as Paperless’ colored icons. It’s much faster to scroll through many items to find what you want if you can recognize icons by their color. The small monochrome ones looks very similar to each other so are almost no use at all. Ikiru chooses form over function in this case. Other than that, the best list app out there IMO.

It Changed My Life!

I’ve been using Ikiru for about 5 years and have gone from being disorganized, unproductive, and restless when it came to performing daily tasks and projects large and small. I created lists for just about everything that I need to get done and I now live a life of daily organization and order. Being able to cross things off as they get done is a real joy! And you can reset the lists to use daily, weekly, whatever. I can’t recommend this app enough for people who love to be organized or for those who are at the beginning of becoming organized. Really... it has changed my life!


I have the issue of my writings disappearing! I write in my notes and go back to find my update GONE! I’ve lost a lot of time and notes. I have emailed twice for help but never receive a reply! Loved the app until this started happening...

Add paperless icons and checkboxes for 5 stars

Almost there. Got spoiled with paperless but a good start.


Update: I had been using this app quite a while ago but stopped. Not sure why. I reinstalled it recently and began with it again. I’m OT sure when the password/finger scan option was added, but this makes the app a good deal more useful to me. I think this is going to be my go-to app for to-do’s, passwords, grocery lists, short study notes, birthday lists, and a host of other things. It’s so flexible. I would still like to see more flexibility in date recurrence, i.e. repeat from completion, but still a wonderful list/notes app. Thank,Ikiru. I had been using Paperless for a long time and really liked it - and used it. But I kept wishing for an update with the ability to attach dates - with a repeat function and also for the ability to create lists within lists. Wish granted! Thank you! It works well, and I can keep track of SO MANY things with this app! So functional! Like other reviewers have mentioned, it would be nice to have other themes to select from. Yes, the old Paperless WAS much more attractive. I do have one other wish - now that dates and repeat function are available it would be great to see the repeat function a bit more flexible, i.e., repeat from date or from completion, and repeat every # of days, weeks, etc. Thanks for a great app which is at once functional and easy to use. 🙂

So Easy! Best App for Keeping Track!!!

I have used Ikiru for years and Paperless before that. I can’t find any other app that works so effectively and fluidly for keeping things organized and easy to find and retrieve. I use it for everything. It keeps my life organized! I especially love the way you can make folders within folders within folders. It makes it so quick to find exactly the item you need. The thousands of icons are fun and quick and help you find things at a glance. I also love the way you can slide items around and rearrange them as priorities change. It’s great for adding photos, copy & paste, moving, rearranging, exporting, checking off. It does almost everything you could hope for. I only wish it did bold, italics, and bullet points. It’s such a fantastic app!!! Thank you to the developers! I just LOVE Ikiru!!!!!

Stay away from this one. Junk.

This has only one improvement from over the previous Paperless, and a massive downside! The improvement - you can now place lists within lists. The rest - dangerously bug ridden. Items will randomly show up with lines through them as if done. Sometimes you can long-hold to correct this, other times not. The shake to undo feature kicks in often when not needed, so here you’ll lose even more items. The icons available are greater in number than in Paperless, but being smaller and monochrome line doodles they do not distinguish well, so rather defeat the whole point. BUT THE WORST, AND FOR ME THE DEAL BREAKER - I HAVE BEEN SENDING NUMEROUS EMAILS TO ASK FOR ADVICE ON ALL BUGGINESS, and not received a single response. If you sell crap apps on the AppStore and abandon your customers when they can’t get the d*amn thing to do what they paid for — PLEASE FIND ANOTHER LINE OF WORK — after you refund your clients.

Great alternative to Wunderlist

With Wunderlist about to cease syncing of data, and Microsoft’s replacement not having the features I want or need, I decided to try using Ikiru again and am finding that I like it more than when I originally tried it. You can have lists within lists, you can easily add notes and pictures to lists. It’s easy to add date/ time reminders. It’s basically very easy to use. I also love that it’s easy to export your info and send it to other people without having to force others to sign up for services they don’t want. The interface is a little different, but once you start using it, it is very easy to use. I love syncing between my iPad and iPhone. Wish it could sync with my Mac.


I happily used this app for a long time. But in the last 6 months it crashes while updating. When I reopen it works. I’ve reached out to the developer several times with no response. I thought maybe he had abandoned the app.

Love this App

I keep a myriad of lists in Ikiru, from book recs, menus, shopping lists. PLEASE PLEASE let this sync to Apple Watch!

Nice, but needs a few features

I really enjoy using this app. After using it for some time, however, I feel a few features would be nice. Specifically, the ability to create sub-lists WITHIN other lists and SELECT/MOVE SELECTED items to the new (or other) lists. Overall a nice app. Hopefully these and at least a few of the other great suggestions will be forthcoming.

Would be 5 if sync stayed on

I love Ikiru- simple, easy to manage lists. Just wish icloud syncing would stay in instead of randomly disabling itself.

Good start- free apps have some added components

I like the ability to use the lists and share them, but for a paid app, there should never be a free app that can offer substantive improvements. Wish I could see the tasks on a monthly, weekly, and daily calendar. Of course I always home for calendar syncing abilities, especially with Outlook and Google Calendar.


Keeps turning off icloud sync. It’s ridiculous that it has to be reenabled every time I open the app.

IOS 13.1.2 - App quit working

This has been my go to list app for a long time. N the last few days it has quit working. When I tap on the Icon to open the app it opens momentarily then goes back to my home screen. This just started in the last few days after updating to IOS 13.1.1 and continues with IOS 13.1.2☹️ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I have removed and reinstalled app serval times. iCloud sync seems to be the problem. If I don’t turn on sync I can create and use a list. But without sync working I have can’t use my already existing lists. Please fix the iCloud sync issue!

Crashing in iOS 13

This app has been alright. I’ve never liked it as much as its predecessor, but it’s done the job - until now. Now, in iOS 13, it crashes at launch and cannot be used. Time to say goodbye to all my long-established lists and find myself another list app.

Not compatible with iOS 13. Keeps crashing.

Crashing every time it tries to cloud sync after the update. This app is not compatible with iOS 13

Ikiru broken under iOS 13

After updating to iOS 13 the app crashes whenever I click the back button in an item to go back to the list. Makes it pretty much unusable. I am posting this here because I couldn’t find any way to contact the developer on their website.

It has a big problem...

I have used both Paperless and Ikiru for many years. Paperless never lost my data. Ikiru now has, twice. There are two scenarios where this happens. 1. Editing a long note. I use shake to undo at some point. This feature “undoes” back to a point far before my last mistake. I then choose “redo”. This restores to a different edit, not my most recent. I never get back my recent edits, which are often substantial. I have to write everything again for many hours. 2. Editing a long note. I leave the note and come back to the note frequently, making little edits each time. While the note is open for a long time, suddenly a paragraph will revert back to an earlier edit. I will “shake to undo” and this results in the app restoring the edit before the edit it reverted to (which is not my recent edit). Again, I lose all that writing and editing and have to begin again for hours. This always happens as I’m nearing completion of a note after many hours of writing and editing. I can no longer trust this app. Please find a solution for this bug. I love your apps but they really need a note timeline restore function like the iOS app “ia Writer” has. The method of iCloud back up Ikiru uses is useless in these scenarios because I can’t manually restore individual notes after an edit goes haywire. And this has happened with in-app iCloud backups on or off. In fact, it first happened with it off which led me to turn it on, only for the problem to happen again, only to discover the backup would not help at all. :(

Love the solid simplicity, missing one thing

I’ve had Ikiru for just long enough to spend a few weeks putting in my lists. Wonderful! The lists include everything from 'wise words to review' to things I hope to get to someday...or perhaps an approach to some project to consider. Which means Ikiru can handle wonderful variety. The one thing I so wish was available, is a 'share option' TO Ikiru that comes up when I want to send something from another app (For example I use Things for its calendar integration... but some bits from Inbox I would like to easily send to Ikiru) I could copy / paste...but was disappointed not seeing this option, and have found myself not referencing / using my lists quite as I'd hoped (hence less a star). Still: a solid app.

Love It

Use it all the time. Great syncing across my devices. Would love to be able to use my Apple Pencil for note taking!

Great app for organizing tasks and notes

I moved to Ikiru from Paperless primarily to better organize my lists with the sub list feature. I also really like the swipe to check off an item and a shake of the device to backup if needed. I also like the feature to schedule a due date and time to get a list of priority items that are time dependent. The one thing that is really needed is when searching for items, there needs to be a way to know where the item is located in the lists and sub lists. Once the item is found by a search, there is no way to know to what list the item belongs. Sometimes the meaning of an item is dependent on the title of the list. And, some items are copied across multiple lists so by not knowing the list the items are in, there is no way of working to resolve and consolidate. If I could see the list an item was associated when found with a search, I would say this is a near perfect list managing app.

Ikiru Lists: A productivity app that's actually productive.

NOTE: Hmm. Seems there’s confusion in these review between Ikiru and Paperless (also from Crush Apps). I have both apps. They’re similar in their powerful and flexible list/note structure, but very different in purpose. Ikiru’s strength is in the added task functions: due list, lists within lists, intuitive swipe-to-complete, photos, etc. If you need keep many massive text-based lists, Paperless is your guy. If you’re looking for the easiest productivity app out there, then Ikiru is what you need. HERE’S WHAT I LOVE ABOUT IKIRU LISTS As many as you want, lists within lists, huge selection of icons, drag lists to order them, flick right to check an item off, flick right again to restore it. It doesn’t get simpler. NOTES Ikiru is the only organizer app I’ve found that takes notes seriously. Each list item is an endless plain-text note. (I’ve typed entire an white paper in a note and still didn’t run out of space.) You can also add a photo of the whiteboard to your meeting notes. DUE DATES Add a due date to any item and it appears in a timeline list. A no-nonsense way to keep track of what’s due, overdue or coming up next month. I’ve been using Ikiru for a few years now and am in it 10 hours some days. I use it for work, but the flexibility of design makes it function just as easily for organizing your life, organizing anything else or organizing all three at the same time. Somebody finally made productivity easy. Hurrahlleleujah.

LOVE IT!! Liked paperless,Love Ikiru

I used Paperless and thought it was fabulous, and Ikiru is even better. All Lists are “check lists” just by swiping Right. Easy to restore a swiped item to refurnish your list. Delete is swipe to Left. This app is clean and fresh, very straight forward just as Paperless was. Has enough features but not confusing or crowded.

Wonderful and Simple

After paying for countless apps that made organizing my life a complicated chore this one is heaven sent. So simple, so logical, so adjustable. Simply wonderful. And works on my Apple watch too. I just loooove it.


I’ve used Paperless since my iPhone 4 and it’s a favorite. I made the assumption that Ikiru would be Paperless but much more but unfortunately I found it a bit confusing and not very useful for my simple purposes. Wish it had offered a lite version as Paperless did to try it out beforehand so I wouldn’t have wasted my dollars as I have uninstalled it.


I Love Paperless. I have used it for years! I decided to try Ikiru. I love the lists within lists, however, I’m going to stick with paperless until Ikiru has checklists and color!

Functional but Colorless

App does everything as promised. As a Paperless user for several years, found Ikiru better. Would have given the App 5 stars had a little imagination been used to add some Color.

Go on !

Great start. Almost there. Would love to see that you can use URL that get recognized and open in a browser. Would like to see just first line of item and not text below. But all in all great app. Keep it on the track !


Using this app for an item database with lists in list plus pictures of items to stock workshop. Kinda wary of putting hours of work in an app when later the developer gives up...fingers crossed...paperless is still around and has longevity. Only complaint is....what took em so long!

Well made

My go-to for lists. But dang, it could use some color!

Staying with Paperless for shopping list

As others have mentioned, I prefer the check boxes to swiping - too easy to delete with others updating. It should be an option. I prefer Dropbox to icloud because we use Paperless between icloud accounts. Emailing a list to update is a pain and not efficient realtime (shopping). Color and font size should be improved. Visual is important. I read the reviews and the developer blog but purchased it to see for myself the issues and to support the developer. I see this as another useful list app separate from a checklist for shopping.

i miss some features from Paperless

I bought this app because I was excited about the list within list feature, due dates, photos, etc. All of these are great, but there are a few features from Paperless that, to my disapppintment, were taken out! :( No more checkboxes(replaced with a slide right on completed items)...i liked those. Also...where are the colors! I miss my pink background...blue and white is a little dull IMO. Finally, I’m not a fan of the amount of lines previewed for an item on a list...i preferred just the one line to be shown. I saw some other people comment on these same missing features...maybe they’ll come back? please!

Really cool list app

I love this app; it has useful features to make and view lists that a lot of other list apps ignore. For example, you can email a list to someone else and they can import the list into their copy of the app; it worked seamlessly when my son sent me his list of game figures. It’s pretty, thoughtful and exudes attention to detail. I really would like it to support drag and drop for pictures, using this app to maintain items with a pictures attached to each one is fun, but I don’t like navigating the attach picture pop up every time; I’d rather keep the photos app open on the side and drag pictures onto items. Tags/labels, lists that you can group by tags/dates/status and an album/grid view to browse lists with pictures would be nice features. Thanks for the great app!

My favorite

I’ve tried a lot of apps to get organized. This one is simple and has features I love!

Best List App I’ve Found

Best of paperless app, but with more functionality, my only thing would be more apple watch functions!

Great app, just needs tree view!

This app is great, and expands on the functionality of the Paperless app with the ability to have subfolders, etc. I would love to be able to expand or collapse folders in tree view - this would make it much easier to see items in subfolders. Thanks!

A+ customer support

After an update Ikiru started crashing after editing an alarm, so I sent a quick email to support. Received a reply the next day letting me know that an update to fix the issue had been released the night before. Best customer support ever! Ikiru is a great app with great functionality. It's my go-to for lists & alarms. The only thing I miss is the color options. For $4.99 that option should have remained, I think. But other than that, love!


It's okay. I like its predecessor better

More of a Notes app than a List app, to me

Ikiru is a nice app. I've been using it quite a bit. It works reliably, including synchronization across two iPads and an iPhone. It really doesn't look like a "list" app, though. I came to Ikiru from the same developer's earlier Paperless app, which looks a lot more like a "list" app, with nice checkboxes to mark list items complete. Ikiru, like many post-iOS7 apps, doesn't look like anything but a bunch of white space with random items floating in it, devoid of contextualizing user interface elements that make it intuitive how to use it. How I do use Ikiru is more like how I use the Notes app, or Simplenote, or Bear, than like Paperless or Chaos Control or the Reminders app. I use it as much for note content as for lists. And I never mark anything complete in Ikiru, because I don't like strike-through -- why would I want text I took the trouble to type into an iOS device to be rendered semi-illegible by being struck through? I prefer checkboxes for marking items complete. Man, I am complaining! Ikiru hits my pet peeves. But it does work well and I do use it.

Not good. Lost everything.

I lost months of notes since Sync button not on? Use Evernote it backs itself up.

Not a good app

The developers other list apps are more user friendly and have better tools.

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